Thank you, and Congratulations!

The Plant-Based Recipe Guidebook is on its way to your inbox. You're going to LOVE these recipes. 

Please note: Before you receive the recipes, you should see a confirmation email. If you don't see it, please check your SPAM folder or "Promotions" tab in Gmail. You'll have to confirm your subscription before the recipe book arrives in your inbox.  

And, because I know how powerful making the switch to eating more plants will be to your overall health, fitness, and wellness, I am making you a special offer that is only available on this page

My 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart is a life-changer that will transform your health and your body. Because you're getting the Plant-Based Recipe Guidebook, you can add on The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart today for just $88 (that's a savings of $211!)

Join now for just $88!
No thanks. Just the recipes for me.

What's it all about?

Create your very own plant-based lifestyle.

Whether you want to give up all meat, dairy, and fish or just start adding more veggies into your everyday meals, the idea of going plant-based can be daunting. Even scary.

You probably have 1,001 questions like:

  • What do I eat?
  • Can I really survive on just fruit and veggies?
  • Where will I get my protein?
  • Is this sustainable?
  • Will I like it?
  • How do I find recipes?
  • Can I plan a full meal without meat and dairy?
  • Do I have to give up fish, too?

The list of questions is endless. 

Fortunately, I have answers. 

That's what this Kickstart is all about.

Answering all of your questions, guiding you to make the best choices for you, supporting you as you make the switch, making sure you don't starve, and that you have fun and love this way of eating. 

Why Plants? 

Plants are the solution to everything. 

  • Lose weight without deprivation.
  • Prevent/manage chronic disease. 
  • Save money. 
  • Enjoy easy clean-up.
  • Reduce menopause symptoms.
  • Reduce/eliminate joint pain.
  • Eliminate brain fog. 
  • Gain tons of energy.
  • Have more fun because you feel amazing!
  • Live a healthier and longer life.
Join Now for Just $88!

This offer expires in 48 hours.

You'll still be able to get the kickstart, but the price increases to $97.

Grab it now!


Ginny has been helping women transform their bodies and lives through fitness and nutrition since 2003. She was vegetarian for 10 years and has been 100% plant-based since 2017. 

The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart is the perfect way to turbo-charge the recipe guidebook that is on its way to your inbox.

The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart will transform your nutrition, making the switch to a healthy lifestyle seem effortless.

Learn everything you need to know to make plant-based living easy, hassle-free, and fun.

More Than Just a Bunch of Recipes

There are plenty of 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstarts out here on the internet. What makes this Kickstart different is that you're never alone. Most other kickstarts give you 30 days of recipes, and that's it.

In The Women's Wellness Academy 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart, you'll learn how to

  • Prep your kitchen.
  • Plan your meals.
  • Shop for your new lifestyle.

Plus, you'll have the support of Ginny and the other participants.

Learn tips, tricks, and plant-based secrets to successfully make the transition and maintain it well past the 30 days of the program.

Prep Your Home, Plan Your Meals, Love the Change!

Shopping to prep plant-based meals is totally different and not so different from what you do now.

You'll learn how to

  • Plan your meals so you're crystal clear on what you need and where to find it.
  • Save time AND money with Ginny's simple, straightforward approach to plant-based living.
  • Make your first shopping trip (and all of the rest of them) easy.

You won't believe how easy making this transition can be. 

Have Fun!

The hardest part of making a healthy transition in your life is feeling like you're doing everything by yourself. 

You'll now be a part of our private community of women making the same changes you are. 

Get the support you need, ask questions, and make connections.

Ginny and the other participants will be there with you every step of the way.

Support and accountability make all of the difference between success and failure when you're making healthy changes to your life. 

Join The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart

Join Now for Just $88!

Here's What You Get:


5 Master Classes

Master Class #1: Getting Ready for a Plant-Based Lifestyle. 

Before you dive into the new recipes, there's some prep work to do. You'll learn how to get your kitchen stocked up and ready. Use my list of time-saving, game-changing tools you need to make this transition a breeze. Learn how to align your mindset so that this transition is more fun and less work.

Taking some time upfront to get ready for the change is crucial to making sure you make the change and that it lasts beyond 30 days.
($250 value)

Master Class #2: Supplements...Do You Need Them? 

There is a ton of misinformation on the internet about supplements, especially when it comes to living a life without meat or dairy. I'll tell you what the science really says and help you to understand what you need and what you don't.
($250 value)

Master Class #3: All About Protein 

The #1 most frequently asked question about living a plant-based lifestyle is, "Where do you get your protein?" Seriously, once you tell friends and family you're working on the switch, they will ask. This class gives you all of your answers. You will come away from it knowing how much protein you need daily (it's not as much as you think), where to find it, and how to get more than you need each day (it's easier than you think). 
($250 value)

Master Class #4: How to Create Plant-Based Meals. 

Better than giving you meal plans that you'll forget about once the Challenge ends. Learn what you must include in your meals to make sure you don't lose valuable nutrition when you make the switch. Create healthy, tasty meals that fit your lifestyle. 
($250 value)

Master Class #5: Meal Planning & Shopping. 

Take the guesswork out of preparing for your weeks. I'll give you an easy-to-follow framework for prepping your meals and planning your new plant-based lifestyle PLUS worksheets to make meal planning and prep shockingly easy.
($347 value) 

Private Kickstart Community.

Access our exclusive community anytime, anywhere, on your phone, tablet, or laptop. It's not a Facebook Group. Get all of your questions answered, connect with other participants, post your wins and fails, and get the support you need to make the change. This is where we connect with each other. 
($700 value)

Daily Plant-Based Tips and Lessons.

There's something new to know about how to live a plant-based lifestyle every day. You'll have daily short lessons and tips you can implement right away to customize your plant-based lifestyle.
($300 value). 

Unlimited recipe recommendations

Use my favorites and find/create your own.
($49 value)

How to Set Up Your Kitchen for Success Guide.

This value-packed guide features everything you need to create a kitchen space that works for you and your new plant-based lifestyle.
($197 value)


Bonus #1:

Hi-Protein Snacks List and Veggie-Based Snack Exchange
($50 value)

Bonus #2:

Lifetime access to The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart Course. Revisit the lessons anytime. ($797).


Total Value of The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart: $3,440 

Join Now for $299

This Page Only $88!


Join The 30-Day Plant-Based Kickstart

Join Now for Just $88!